Monday, May 21, 2012

the "Ostrich" moment

The moment when you feel like burying your head in the sand and gettng lost in your lonliness away from the rest of the world.. Well.. most of the situations in life are expected..This is so, because even though our mind denies the fact that there is, a hint of a chance for a thing to occur... deep inside... a small voice does warn us about the possibility of it.......and no matter how, we try to tag a situation as "unexpected", the inner voice ends up getting stronger and stronger.... So the only way to wipe off guilty conciousness is to face the truth boldly.. well... nobody is blamed or mocked for facing the truth... What the world says is never shit.... It is the plain truth that we shamelessly tag as "Never Listen To It"........ It is like pretending that you are the king when you actually are the duke..  I say... why not accept the fact that  you are a duke and live with it? Why not shut the doors of discourage and fear... In this way.. what the world says automatically turns worthless.. The most comfortable option that people prefer in such a situation is "acting fake"... But now ... does that minimise the internal pain in any way?
So.. I prefer the "ostrich option".. bury your head in the sand and when the right moment comes...lift it up with pride..... when all the other heads are buried instead..... when you are confident that nothing will ever force you to seek the sand for comfort again........being positive is good but being overpostive is dangerous because it never leads to anything .... you just get stuck between success and failure... in a no mans land......yelling and yelling for help but in vain........