Friday, March 8, 2013

Actually, I...

It's like one of those times when you have loads to say but you find no appropriate words that could give full justice to the thoughts sprinting in your mind. When movies read aloud the thoughts of a person, they are in the form of distinct words. But the real mind is just a whirlpool of vague emotions, which remain undistinguished from one another, sortof like a haphazard jumble. You can sense where the pieces fall in, but you fail to place them right. But when those pieces get attatched together, they give rise to a complex substance, commonly misjudged as realisation.. Well, I call it "opinion", the toughest thing that can be ever. Most of the while, I deliberately prevent my subconcious from glueing those parts together because an opinion once formed or demolished cannot be regenerated. So, instead of throwing in a gallon of opinions into the vessel just to get contradictory results, let the pieces of your thought remain unassembled. There is seldom a need to arrive at a conclusion...
People often say that their heart aches, or skips a beat. No one can ever try to relate the incident to the real organ that pumps blood. I mean, why do you want to think about ventricular contractions when you are depressed? That's stupid and waaaay too dramatic, I suppose and at times I used to wonder why the 'heart' is given credit or blamed for everything. For instance " I put my heart and soul into my music". It can be regarded as impractical maybe.. Without beating about the bush further, I would say.."Now, that was an opinion" Though I do bluff a lot and say tons of emotional crap, there are few things I don't believe in.  And definitely some of them that I am strongly inclined to.
For instance, "supernatural elements". I actually don't know why I believe every tale I hear or see. Since childhood I live in this shiny glittering little universe of mine.. a blend of paranormal n mythical ages! I shamelessly do weird things like carrying a lucky stone with me everywhere I go.. I blindly assume illusions to be true.. Its probably way too sheepish of me to have such a perspective about things at this age. But finally, all these pieces fell into a pattern and told me that "I am special and rare"  Even today I wait for a glass shoe that fits me right or a secret closet that takes me to Narnia or  a broomstick that I would ride and play quidditch!
Honestly, I had no idea what I was going to write when I opened this page but there's no doubt that I poured out the turmoil in my brain perfect and maybe arranged the jigsaw! ;)                    

1 comment:

  1. Excellent words from your heart....(again). I do agree you live in your own universe, still you can afford to be so for some more time as I love seeing your kiddish acts.
