Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hare vs Tortoise - Final throttle ( M.Y version)

So, this time the race flag bore the letters - LIFE. The racetrack was a long treacherous one. It comprised of false traps, ditches, bogs and thorny bushes. The hare was determined not to fall asleep while the tortoise was,  well.... not determined about anything. Just go with the flow was his genuine motto. He made no extra efforts to visit the gym unlike the hare who thrived on a special diet and exercised his ass off.. So, again, they set foot on the threshold point, gave a crooked half grin to the ladies cheering and drooling over them and began at the trumpet of the elephant.
The hare began with a sprint on the initial straight track. But soon, thinking about his previous failures, his system started turning rampageous and he began running like he'd never run before. So, when the false trap hindered his way, he couldn't pause for a moment to think about getting rid of it and injured both his legs while jumping over the trap. Similarly, he did the same with the rest of the danger acquaintances. He blindly jumped into the ditch, caught a creeper and climbed his way out. The bog just sucked the hare in and it took 3 hours until he swam around the mud and somehow managed to pull himself out. Covered in mud, he just ran past the thorny bushes not even bothering to shred them away.
The tortoise began at a slow speed. He maintained his consistency of pace throughout.  The hard shell protected him from any injury but he didn't bother to unlock the false trap either. So, bouncing back and forth, he came out of it eventually. He crawled in the ditch, and crawled his way out without bothering to build a bridge. Turning his torso backwards, he swam across the sticky bog. When thorns pricked his paws he stopped by a clinic to remove it.
The hare, of course was the first one to reach. But few meters before the End line, he collapsed due to severe bleeding caused by the harsh traps and thorns. He was admitted in a hospital and was disqualified from the race. The tortoise managed to reach 8 hours later but by that time, nobody came to hand over the trophy as the jungle authorities went home, cursing the race and dreaming about the relishing supper their wives must have prepared by then.
So actually, both the hare and the tortoise couldn't succeed. In this race, pace had never really mattered. Smart thinking, patience and intelligence had mattered. While the hare ran without a break, eventually hurting himself, the tortoise kept strolling mechanically. Had the both of them really thought about finding alternatives to cross the notorious elements of the race, both would've saved time. So this actually classifies the people into two categories - The ones who strive and kill to reach the end but all their efforts are ultimately in vain and the ones who are too sluggish and yet move on consistently, achieving success too late when it has lost its value.

So, as you can see I cooked up this weird story. It was inspired by a small incident that happened yesterday. Mum insisted me to accompany her to the grocery store. On not finding the original keys to the scooty, she hurriedly picked the spare ones and went to the garage instead of searching for the old ones. Turning the key into the lock, she discovered that the lock couldn’t be opened easily by the spare key. So she lost her patience and told me to get the old ones itself. At that time, I refused to climb up the stairs and started making efforts to unlock the Scooty using the spare key itself. It got unlocked within 2 minutes, just as mum was about to leave for getting the old ones. So, I gave her a “ I told you so” grin, started preaching her about patience and stuff to which she retaliated mumbling something about us being a slowcoach. I told her that she was a person who finished a task perfectly on time per with imperfection but dad was a person who did stuff perfectly but at a snail pace. So somehow, I lie in between, faster than dad, calmer than mum. And in some way, they symbolize the hare and the tortoise of my story, not entirely but up to some level. I have loads of good things to learn from the way they both carry out their work. I hope I will. ;-) 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monkey business

I am bloating by the hour and I swear I can feel it. When two steps and a whirl, make you pant like hell and send your heart racing, you are in big trouble! All I wanted was to immerse myself in the full speed rhythm  and shake a leg or two. But thanks to my excellent appetite that seems to have heightened across the borderline, I shove in way more calories than usual. And I can say, I've put up a few pounds that surely don't help when you wanna dance. This is super ironic since I do not possess a sweet tooth at all! Let alone a sweet tooth, I don't have a sweet nerve in my body! The sight of sugar induces nausea. Yet, I can manage to expand by eating oil lathered spicy curries and flat breads loaded with carbs. Gosh! Just thinking about it makes me gulp in shame.
It's not that I feel hungry continuously, nor it is that it's some random "boredom" munching! "You are a monkey!", says dad. A monkey eats for pleasure.. It never realizes when its capacity is off the line. It frantically risks its life unknowingly, in the process of running towards never-ending satisfaction. I pity myself on account of showing these signs of reverse evolution. It's like everything in my life has suddenly begun revolving around food. I daydream about sitting on a throne of a sliced bun, in a kingdom of gravy boats floating in schezwan rivers. The subjects in my "mirchi" kingdom present me with aloo parathas and chola baturas! In my kingdom, apples, oranges and sugary dishes are fed to livestock. So, you know, it clearly shows why it is an issue worth worrying!
One can't say I have a heavy set frame. But it's not slender either. So, my face is on the verge of getting all pudgy and pasty.. And the sweet little mrf tyres residing on my hip already unbalance my weight considerably , hindering my occasional little "boogie dances".But though it's high time I pay heed to mum's anxious remarks with regard to my blowup, I badly want some more monkey time! Whose gonna let me compete for Miss World  anyway? Lemme grab some delicacies instead!