Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I heart me .. forever

"BaseBand!" , D said beaming, raising an eyebrow with both his hands clenched in a thumbs up! Typical in a non- exhausting way! My lips curled into a grin and I responded with the ditto enthusiasm, "WHaT???"
((Flashback: 7th period - Electronics class.. I am sitting on the 2nd bench scribbling down notes using a ball point pen (which btw makes my book look like a spider web). Sir's voice rolls off and gets registered at some corner of my mind..MY mind's preoccupied with well "How NOT to make the notebook look like a doctor's prescription" . "So the next type of way.. two way... baseband..."  My ears jolt up and I look around to find people what-what-ing at the word. It's spelled and defined and I go back to switching OFF the right side of my brain.))
"Baseband Geet! Try remembering!" D said again, the smile still stuck to his face. "Oo! ooh! Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked him now, returning his thumbs up. I nudged Cherry sitting at my side and whispered " See, I think even he misheard baseband as lesbian!" She was snoozing heavily enough with her eyes open to respond to me. So I turned to D. He said, "Look at the definition! A low frequency signal produced by humans! And you are a living example! Increase your volume!" Alright! It was a "ooopsee I am way too out of the world" moment! I admit! My face convulsed into laughter gradually..  And yes, I am known for my sorrys and pardons and can-you-repeat-its (the partially deaf part) and "softest-soft-loud- louder" (the low volume part). People give up in exasperation either trying to convey their message or viceversa. So what image do I actually carry in others' minds? Apparently, self- obsessed happens to be my middle name (applause), so this question somewhat owned a birthright to pop into my mind. I shortlisted two cases which might not be entirely true..
Case 1: The partially deaf school captain, a little messy and super weird: She shrieks and flees at the sight of the volleyball coming up to her face at the court instead of receiving it. She constantly whines about getting a suntan. She detests screeching noises and people who scratch their heads unnecessarily and is known to make unique expressions.
Case 2: The dramaqueen! Cries like a snotty little toddler, can't stand up to herself or yell at someone. Bit of an attention seeker. Loves extending the eyeliner into wings and dresses subtly..
I AM who I Am ! I found myself repeating these words more than often this week. BUt now the question is not Who am I? Its What am I? Most people spend their lives behaving like hillbillies scorning others who think too much about themselves . When their friends drop a casual question before them like "Is my hair fine?" or "Do I look fat?" their ungracious no-one's-looking-at-you response is always followed by eyes rolls and impatient noises. But, they are the ones who are missing something crucial in life.. Themselves..
           It's not a nose that's always in the air, it's pride that constructs an enigma eventually. The reluctance to accept an opinion, the eagerness to make judgments.. So, you know WHAT you are? YOu are what you like being.. Embrace yourself, heartily appreciate the tiniest micromolecules of good things in you, scold yourself, make crazy deals with your heart, respect your own wishes and stand up to your own expectations. Because..... The only one who is always going to stand by your side throughout eternity is... you... 


  1. goooood one geet n the last para is amazing

  2. Thanks D, my bestie bro! Gonna miss all the fun we had the whole year! All the baseband n Dodo teasing.. ;)
