Saturday, March 15, 2014

A gush of life

I stood on one leg like a crane, leaning on the balcony grill. I was trying to breathe in to my fullest, to rivet myself into the sweet scent of summer, it's sublime aura. The harsh heat beat against the windows as I sipped in cool lemonade. Everything feels so familiar, so homely nowadays. Just because of the ambiance that summer creates, especially during the twilight hours. Inhaling that scent triggers off millions off suppressed memories. That's when I remembered my teacher talking about characteristic smells long ago. About how every person or thing has a characteristic scent of his/its own. And I adore the diverse characteristic smell of summer. In the morning, you feel like plunging into the freshness, in the afternoon the slightly smoky melancholy makes you slouch and laze around. During dusk, it feels extremely soothing as the heat creeps out. Though every hour exhibits a different scent, it's very typical.
Scents that we are acquainted with always tend to remain in our memory. It may be an old rusty book or your sister's oil slathered wild hair. Whenever I shove my nose up to an old novel, it immediately reminds me about the year when I had first read it. It's as if the scent tells a story of it's own. A month ago, when I smelled Mysore sandal soap in the soap box stored in the loft, it reminded me of my grandpa who would frequently use that brand. It made me very emotional. Every time I inhaled, it felt as if he was right there. Similarly, Fair And Lovely will always remind me of mommy and Nycil will always remind me of daddy.
 Mom's vegetable curries always smell different from those that my Nannie used to cook , because South Indian spices are different from Maharashtrian spices. The aroma of onions always completes a dish and a good Pulav only needs the fragrance of good quality Basmati rice. From cosmetics to cuisine, everything has a distinct perfume attached to it. Drenched mud reminds you of monsoon while incense sticks remind you of God. So, always set aside a nice whole second to breathe in the variant flavors of life.. Who knows when you might come across a long - lost memory.. 

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