Monday, September 17, 2012

Dragonflies, woods and magic

Monsoon has startd waving a goodbye already and that makes me feel really glad given to the unavoidable fact that my moods are mainly governed by the weather outside my balcony.. rather balconies I should say..
Holding a cup of bournvita I walked slowly into the open balcony of my house relieved to find that the floor was dry and rain hadn't played its dirty "slippery- muddy- algae" game.. But ironically the aloevera plant looked so unusually green and healthy and I felt that it was wrong on my part to blame monsoon up to this extent. Anyway, I ignored my guilty conscience for a while and leaned on the wall, watching the sunshine highlightling every bit of the lush green grass that had grown wildly over the sides of the road..Dragonflies were racing about my head with their golden wings rapidly flapping... I felt like smiling..felt like nature was conveying an important message....After every rain, someday, beautiful sunshine flows in enlightening the spirit of nature..
I wanted to stay, wishing  that I was a part of this nature's movie, wishing someone would play a soothing background score... and I could dance to the rythm..

Wearing my shoes, I ran down the stairs, towards the park,, There wasn't a single soul on the road. Taking advantage of this situation, I started humming and hopping about, talking to baby squirrels collecting nuts on the road... Though grass had grown wildly everywhere, it had created a unique path.. one could almost expect snow white to arrive with her seven dwarfs, gently lifting her skirt gracefully.. I plunged into every imagination that my heart ridiculously created.... knowing that I was the snow white at that moment.. .  


  1. I was just wondering why you stopped blogging. Good to see you back. Wonderfully written. Keep writing and living your imaginations

  2. yeah ur right akka.. finally managed to scrape out time.. thank u soo much for ur constant encouragement..will surely continue!
