Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ties and bonds..

Being with family is pure bliss.. It makes you feel like there is nothing else other than love and happiness in your life. And in my case, where I don't get the feel of it throughout the year, my quota gets richly overfilled when I get loadsomes of family lovee in jst 5 days... And believe me, it comes like a "lottery", stays on like a "picnic" and won't let go like a "croc's huge mouth"!
Well, as you can see, I just initiated my post like I always do but this time I plan to narrate the experiences differently, embedding every moment in a emotional frameset..
Gayatri aunty held up a box and told me to open it. There were two pairs of earrings, not ordinary ones rather extremely phenomenal looking. "Pati made them specially for you!" I looked at pati, amazed at her skills, holding the piece of art which was made using tatting technique near my ears. "Its very beautiful!" That was all I could say and I said it again and again since I was entirely taken aback when I saw something made with so much pain and love just for me. Wearing those earrings paired with a light floral print kurti, we marched off to the women's exhibition.. We picked up my beautiful dolls on the way - Mahathi and Adhithi.. When your with these adorable darlings, you just bid your "etiquettes" goodbye. Playing ball and catch at the cosmetics section, stepping on upholstery with shoes on or running around in the maze of shops did turn some questioning eyes towards us but Adithi's innocent monkey grin and Mahathi's merry blabber can instantly turn off any cross mind. Everytime I arrived, Mahathi jumped on one of my legs deftly and clung on to it like mowgli till I tripped. Her tight hug , her look that says "I wanna be with you", her cute precocious gestures made me realise why I was standing in Chennai in the first place.
That evening we went to "Abbiii's " place, like Adithi says.. And I have to say I am pretty jealous of Chota Bheem and Abhis' (lol) because the sight of both make my sisters look at me like an alien from the planet INVISIBLE. But then.. every little girl has a "cool big brother" fantasy like me; my sisters are just the same. Its just very sweet the way Adithi says "Anna-anna" in her teddy bear soft baby voice and it definitely made her annas go crazy, grabbing her and give her a gleeful airspin!
Arrival of krishna mama was the prime thing which made the trip eventful, awesome and lively. We went to the Marina beach, sat on head-spinning rides, got drenched in huge waves and admired snapshots clicked on time by Gayu mami. MOving to shek-jeet's "home sweet home" brought us all nearer and gave me a totally different experience.. Also we we splashed about in Queensland resort, went to watch "ethir neechal".
So, I started off placing everything in an emotional frame, wavered around in between and to conclude.. now I would say that this trip made me look at bits of my character reflected in every family member I met. Gayatri aunty's way of interpreting things in life, her views about religion, art and lifestyle coincides with mine.. Gayu mami's personality, the way she carries herself  was very similar to the fashion in which I pull myself...I saw my sharpness multiplied ten times in Mahathi and my physique dated 15 years back in Adhithi..In Jeet anna, I saw my warmth.. Well, it must be because he has his own contributions making me a kindhearted person like him.. He has always corrected my little flaws and indirectly taught me that appreciation should never be faked... Coming to Abhishek, well, our career ambitions are somewhat similar and the way we approach anything naturewise is common as far as i've noticed. Also, he can always switch to being a "smart cool guy next door" apart from being grim and silent. SORTOF LIKE ME!
I hope am not being judgemental I guess, I just said what I felt..
But the only person who stands out in my character crowd is Krish mama... HE is everything I am not and everything I want to become. I can never believe in anybody's advice other than him and I can trade anything in my life to become successful so that he feels proud of his 1st daughter (hope mahathi doesnt read this .. winks ) ..
So, here I am feeling vivacious, floating in the state of beatitude, running short of bombastic synonyms for the word "happiness" .. and I feel very lucky to be a part of this beautiful "damaged" family, like mama calls it...


  1. Hey Geethu, Am just dumbstruck by the way you have narrated your 5 day vacation at chennai...Posting that pic made it even more powerful...

  2. I love your new theme! Very nice and I am so glad that you had a great time with family. I am sure paati would be extremely happy to see that her work is treasured and loved!
    Good luck

  3. @ Gayu- Thank u soo much mami.. and yes that pic is surely a ten pointer! @ V - As I always say akka, your comments encourage me to blog more and more. Thanks a ton :)
