Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Darkest HOur

Hot temper.. Is is always incorrect to flare up? Should you always deal with unjust situations staying tight lipped? Well, these are the so called "ideal human being" rules I had laid down for myself positively.. But then, a horrifyingly mean incident barged through my vexatious day,  making it even more unpleasant.. And now, I am typing this down in a state of pure hatred - a state which I have never been acquainted with.. 
  "We are getting late, all because you wanted to practice so long!", N said to me without a tinge of shame. I scowled at her words, gulping down the morsels of food mom was feeding me with her own hands. Even Mom felt worried that I was constantly put under so much pressure. It was me who had aided N during her crisis, agreeing to give her a lift. Instead of showing gratitude, she unabashedly picked faults and passed sly remarks subtly. Ignorance is bliss.. I must not lose my temper, I said to myself. 
Riding the scooty, we went until the next colony's gate, when a security officer started waving at me frantically. By the time I realized that I was being called for, the scooty had throttled up a little distance ahead which compelled me to take a U turn and go back.. "Don't you listen I calls when? You has no manners?" the ill tongued, uncivilized security officer burst out shaking his fist. I was truly alarmed. I gulped down the bile that rose in my throat and asked him " May I know why I have been stopped?"( You wanna speak your English Mr, illiterate? So can I!) His eyebrows rose " You questioning me? You will teach me my job, huh?" I lost my nerve. I repeatedly went on asking why I had been stopped to which he never bothered to reply and went on with a list of threats and spiteful insults. As I had oathed to be a little miss polite birdie, I started crying bitterly like a snotty baby. An aunty passing by (who is a friend of my mum's) came over and spoke in favor of the officer, to my astonishment. " He is a senior officer dear..He is just doing his job. You must cooperate" Job? Yelling at people for no fault of theirs? Finally, he pulled out a register noting down my name and address. That's when I learned what his job was. He had just been ordered to note down the names of all people passing through the gate that day. I was disgusted. What kind of a world was this? Where people use impolite language for no reason, treat every person as a criminal, where a little innocent girl is being yelled at unmercifully and no one volunteers to at least wipe her tears. When a woman like that chooses to speak in favor of an irrational ungracious man rather than consoling a weeping girl, why do we even expect men to respect us? 
When did we move on to the barbarian era that was scraped out of basic humanity? Where friends just have their valuable work done by you and throw you away later, like a piece of dog's bone..  "You shouldn't have back answered him dear.. It was your fault too.. We must respect elders.." N said making a "Mother Teresa" face, after I dropped her home.. I suppressed my shock and turned away without a word.. 
                The one who has no enemies has no character. It is rightly said, I realised... 

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